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Posts tagged ‘middle school’

Making Sense of Data Visualizations: A Toolkit for Supporting Student Discussions

Advanced data visualizations are changing how we share information, making complex data easier to understand and more engaging. The authors created a simple framework with three steps—exploring the context, understanding the visualization, and connecting it to personal experiences—to help students make sense of these visuals.

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Data Science in Secondary Grades: Exploring Our Communities Through Pictures

Pictures, sounds, and text are all considered data. How can these types of data be incorporated into the school curriculum to better prepare students for today’s societal needs? The authors introduced a data science investigation that uses pictures as data in their middle and high school classes to find out.

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New NCTM Statement on Math, AI Relevant for Educators

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics recently released the position statement "Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics Teaching." The statement highlights potential benefits of AI-driven tools, including responding to students' thinking and interests in ways previous tools could not.

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Data Science in Secondary Grades: Exploring Our Communities Through Pictures

Pictures, sounds, and text are all considered data. How can these types of data be incorporated into the school curriculum to better prepare students for today’s societal needs? The authors introduced a data science investigation that uses pictures as data in their middle and high school classes to find out.

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If You Only Have One Hour … Teaching Statistical Inference to Youth

Beth Chance, Elsa Medina, and Jacquelyn Silverbush share a series of activities used with students in grades 4–6 to introduce statistical inference. The article is structured based on the amount of time to devote to the topic.

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Exploring Whether a Difference Is a Meaningful Difference

This investigation focuses on students conducting a comparative experiment to explore whether there are meaningful differences between the number of times people can write their name with their dominant hand and the number of times people can write their name with their non-dominant hand.

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Using Photographs as Data Sources to Tell Stories About Our Favorite Outdoor Spaces

Three lesson plans that use photos as data sources show it is possible to take an idea and develop it to best suit the interests of your students and you.

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A Sampling Activity to Anchor Big Statistical Ideas

The Sampling Bag Task showcases important statistical ideas, encourages conjecture and statistical argument, and illustrates the complexity and promise of seemingly simple tasks to generate productive discourse and expand understanding of statistical ideas.

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A Technology Twist on a Classic Statistics Lesson

In the lesson, “Alphabet Statistics,” described by Marilyn Burns in her 1987 book, A Collection of Math Lessons (from grades 3 through 6), students explore letter-of-the-alphabet frequency of usage in print material. Over the years, Shelly Sheats Harkness used an adaptation of this lesson several times with middle-school students, high-school students, and preservice teachers. She shares it here with a technology twist.

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