Focus on Statistics: Investigations for the Integration of Statistics into Grades 9–12 Mathematics Classrooms

Focus on Statistics: Investigations for the Integration of Statistics into Grades 9–12 Mathematics Classrooms
Written by veteran teachers, this book includes 19 investigations to help you implement key statistical concepts in your classroom.
Each investigation explicitly contains the four components of the problem-solving process presented in the American Statistical Association’s Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) Report: A Pre-K–12 Curriculum Framework. The GAISE framework emphasizes hands-on learning of statistics by using the following four steps:
- Formulating a statistical question that can be answered with data
- Designing and implementing a plan to collect appropriate data
- Analyzing the collected data by graphical and numerical methods
- Interpreting the results of the analysis in the context of the original question
Additionally, each investigation encourages student involvement through the use of worksheets, which provide guidance as students—working in groups—follow the four statistical problem-solving steps.
Focus on Statistics is designed to offer flexibility, so each lesson can stand alone. Several investigations can be completed in one to two 50-minute class periods.
Download a Sample Investigation!
Accompanying Worksheets