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Announcements: Fall

Upcoming Deadlines

ThisIsStatistics Data Contests

Deadlines in October of 2019 and Spring of 2020
Challenge your high-school and undergraduate students with ThisIsStatistics’ annual statistics contests. The Fall Data Challenge allows students to explore a timely real-world issue that demonstrates a career in statistics can drive social change. This years’ challenge will have students apply statistical thinking to help end homelessness.

ThisIsStatistics’ Statsketball Tournament will happen in the spring. Students will use statistics to predict the results of the NCAA Basketball Tournament.

Grants, Awards, and Scholarships from the Mathematics Education Trust

Deadlines in November of 2019 and May of 2020
The Mathematics Education Trust (MET) provides grants, awards, and scholarships for NCTM members.

Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program

Applications are due November 14, 2019
The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program is accepting applications for the 2019–2020 fellowship. Information about eligibility, program benefits, application requirements, and access to the online application system can be found on the fellowship website.

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

Nominations for teachers of grades K–6 will open in Fall of 2019
This year’s Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching will honor mathematics and science (including computer science) teachers working in grades K–6.

COMAP’s Mathematical Contest in Modeling and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM)

January 13–17, 2020
The MCM, now in its 36th year, is a unique international contest for high-school students and college undergraduates. The ASA is lending its support this year through the Data Insights Award. See the MCM website for details and to register.

2020 Data Visualization Poster Competition and Project Competition

Deadlines: Posters: April 1; Projects: June 1
Introduce your K–12 students to statistics through the annual poster and project competitions directed by the ASA/NCTM Joint Committee on Curriculum in Statistics and Probability. Posters (grades K–12) are due every year on April 1. Projects (grades 7–12) are due June 1.

Winners of the 2019 poster and project competitions were announced in Amstat News and recognized with plaques, cash prizes, certificates, and calculators.

Resources and Opportunities

ASA Statistics Sessions at NCTM Regional in Boston

ASA and NCTM have partnered to offer three additional statistics sessions at the NCTM Boston Regional, September 25–27. The sessions will cover statistics in the media to key statistics topics. Hear about how to use What’s Going On in This Graph? in the classroom and learn about multiple regression and how to bootstrap confidence intervals with two Beyond AP Statistics sessions led by leaders in statistics education.

Build Quantitative Literacy with Graphs

What’s Going On in This Graph? is a free weekly online feature of the ASA and New York Times Learning Network. New York Times graphs of different types and context act as a springboard for middle- and high-school students in any course (college also welcome) to think critically about graphs. On most Wednesdays from September to April, graphs are released. Students respond to the following three questions:

  • What do you notice?
  • What do you wonder?
  • What’s going on in this graph?

Teachers moderate their responses online from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. ET. On Friday, the original article, additional questions, and “stat nuggets”—definitions of statistical terms and where they are seen in the graph—are revealed. No statistics background is necessary.

New Episodes of STATS+STORIES Podcast Available

The ASA has partnered with the Stats + Stories group at Miami University, a collaboration between statisticians and journalists producing podcasts that give the statistics behind the stories and the stories behind the statistics. To listen, visit the Stats+Stories website or iTunes.

Statistics Education Webinars

The ASA offers free webinars on K–12 statistics education topics. Recently posted webinars include “Making Data Moves Using Free, Online CODAP Software with Census at School Data” by Bill Finzer, “Data in Our Daily Lives” by Anna Bargagliotti, “Building Statistical Literacy with New York Times Graphs” by Sharon Hessney, and “Perspectives on Data Science Education at the School Level” by Bill Finzer and Tim Erickson. This series was developed as part of the follow-up activities to the Meeting Within a Meeting Statistics Workshop. NCTM also offers webinars on math and statistics education topics.

Resources for Teaching K–12 Statistics

This document includes resources from the ASA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and others that support the teaching of statistics and probability as covered by the Common Core State Standards and other state career and college preparation standards. Included are lesson plans, applets, videos, data sources, media, technology, teacher preparation materials, and assessment resources.

Statistics Resource List for Students, Educators, and Early-Career Professionals

The new resources list of competitions, grants, scholarships, fellowships, internships, and other awards for students, educators, and early-career professionals is now available on STATtr@k.

Submit Lesson Plans and Articles to Statistics Teacher

Please consider submitting some of your K–12 statistics lesson plans for publication or writing and sharing an article. We also accept announcement submissions. For more information, see the ST submission guidelines or contact the ST editors.