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Meeting Within a Meeting Workshop

Meeting Within a Meeting (MWM) Statistics Workshop for Middle and High-School Mathematics and Science Teachers
Sponsored by the American Statistical Association (ASA)

Meeting Within a Meeting (MWM) is based on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction of Statistics Education (GAISE): A Pre-K–12 Curriculum Framework. Join us August 1-2 during the Joint Statistical Meetings in Baltimore, Maryland.

Dates: Tuesday, August 1, and Wednesday, August 2, 2017, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Place: The University of Maryland, Baltimore (meeting room TBD)

Audience: Middle and high-school mathematics and science teachers. Multiple mathematics/science teachers from the same school are especially encouraged to attend.

Objectives: Enhance understanding and teaching of statistics within the mathematics/science curriculum through conceptual understanding, active learning, real-world data applications, and appropriate technology

Content: Teachers will explore problems that require them to formulate questions; collect, organize, analyze, and draw conclusions from data; and apply basic concepts of probability. The MWM program will include examining what students can be expected to do at the most basic level of understanding and what can be expected of them as their skills develop and their experience broadens. Content is consistent with Common Core standards, GAISE recommendations, and NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.

Presenters: GAISE Report authors and prominent statistics educators

Format: Middle-school and high-school statistics sessions and activity-based sessions, including lesson plan development

Provided: Refreshments, handouts, certificate of participation from the ASA certifying professional development hours, and optional graduate credit available

Cost: The course fee for the two days is $50. Please note: Course attendees do not need to register for the Joint Statistical Meetings* to participate in this workshop.

Follow up: Follow-up activities and webinars. Network with statisticians and teachers to organize learning communities

Registration: More information and online registration. Space is limited. If interested in attending, please register as soon as possible.

Contact: Rebecca Nichols; (703) 684-1221, Ext. 1877

*The Joint Statistical Meetings are the largest annual gathering of statisticians, where thousands from around the world meet to share advances in statistical knowledge. JSM activities include statistics education sessions, poster sessions, and an exhibit hall.